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Colli Bolognesi

A sweet discover





Informazione e



Bandiera d'Italia

"Bologna is celebrated for producing popes, painters, and sausages"

Lord Byron

Art & History

Park & Nature


Food & Taste


In the "Colli Bolognesi" area (Hills of Bologna) there is no shortage of attractions to visit. Below  you can see just  four of the  unmissable  places to be discovered but you can find all the others in the sectoion Territory.


The Chiusa of Casalecchio di Reno is the oldest hydraulic work in Europe still in operation used continuously and uninterrupted.



The Astronomical Observatory "Felsina", is located in Cà Antinori in the municipality of Monte San Pietro, between Medelana and Montepastore, in a position that dominates the middle of the Bolognese Apennines


Ca ' La Ghironda is a unique museum area that has its headquarters in Ponte Ronca di Zola Predosa.
The area is formed by a large park where art and nature merge and from an internal gallery where you can admire over five hundred works.

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The fortified village of Castello di Serravalle has ancient origins, it was formed in defense of the Exarchate of Ravenna against the barbarian invasions. And it was rebuilt in the Middle Ages on the Roman foundations.

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Comune di Valsamoggia - Ufficio Valorizzazione del Territorio (Piazza A. Berozzi, 3, 40053 Crespellano BO

Contatto telefonico: 051/6723046 dal lunedì al venerdì mattina dalle 9 alle 13 - martedì e giovedì pomeriggio dalle 15 alle 17







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